Thursday, March 10, 2011

Estrella War - The Slumber Party

This past February was one of our big local SCA events Estrella War. This is the highlight of every year for most of us that play this game.

For the first time I attended this event as a "gypsy". Just a traveling nomad with only clothes to wear for the duration of my stay. In true SCA style I was offered shelter with some friends. My troupe mates actually. I got to curl up on the floor of the tent and rest for a couple of hours between the parties and the work that goes on at this event.

We didn't think anything of this arrangement until one of our Camp mates (Ms. DT) commented that we were having a slumber party and she just knew that the three of us would keep everyone up with our giggling. We of course did not believe her. Furthermore, we insisted that because we would be up until the wee hours dancing around a fire when we got back to camp we would fall into our "beds" and pass out.

Who would have known that the drummers on my first night of War would poop out relatively early and that we would be in that strange state of being tired but unable to stop talking when we got into the tent? Oh wait. Ms. DT that's who! When we realized that she had predicted this state of affairs uncontrollable bouts of giggling ensued. We did TRY to subdue the giggling fits, but that only made things worse. So we did what we could and just tried to keep the giggling too quiet for others to hear.

(I know you have ALL been there. At a friend's house for a sleepover and it's lights out. Everything is funny and you can't let anyone hear the giggling for fear of being separated.)

Truly it ended up being the girls' slumber party. Half asleep talking, giggling and warning each other to be quiet or else Ms. DT was going to have words with us.

As hysterical as that thought was to us at 3am, we were a bit disappointed when only 2 of our Camp mates admitted to hearing the quiet giggles.

Was one of them Ms. DT you ask?

Most assuredly not. She just smiled at us as we relayed our late evening. A smile of the well rested all too knowing person who is not in dire need of caffeine.

We were in DIRE need that morning.

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